Part of my goal as a photographer, is to help you reconnect with nature.

To help you feel the peace, clarity and healing that comes when you spend time

outdoors. Here you’ll find a selection of videos to help you relax, reconnect with

and give back to nature. Thanks for following along, be safe out there! 


“Winter in the mountains had come early this year. I carefully made my way across the river, the water was frigid on this late October day. My mind didn’t seem to comprehend the cold, for I knew on the other side I’d find the Wolf tracks I’d been following these past days. There they were, still damp from their river crossing. Making sure my camera was ready, I quietly stepped into the forest.”


Alone in Alaska

Photographing Great Gray Owls in the forest

Paddling on the River: A great way to see wildlife

Making a blind to photograph River Otters

Relax in Nature

“I stood in complete awe, all around me the vibrant shades of reds, oranges and yellows, a true kaleidoscope of Autumn color. A soft breeze rustled the aspen leaves, a Grouse shuffled nearby and an Elk bugled in the timber.”

Relaxation on the Prairie

Photography Tips

“For years I’d searched out these elusive creatures, and there it was, not ten feet away. I slowly lifted my camera and clicked the shutter. As quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. My camera had been ready and now, after years, I had my first picture of a Pine Marten.”


Wildlife Photography Tips

How to utilize light as a Wildlife Photographer

How I find the wildlife I photograph

Create more engaging images